Coronavirus Information
Covid-19 Key Information
Any patient with a new continuous cough and/or temperature (37.8 degrees or higher) and/or loss or change in smell or taste should not attend the surgery. If you need medical assistance, please phone us to discuss.
You will no longer be legally required to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19. However, to protect other people, stay at home if you can and avoid contact with other people.
You will not have to take daily tests or be legally required to self-isolate following contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
If you are at high risk from infections, cannot cope with your symptoms at home, or your symptoms do not get better after 10 days then please use the NHS 111 online service (or call 111 if you don't have internet access).
More information can be found here: Coronavirus information
Patients at high risk of serious illness from Coronavirus
The NHS have contacted most of those considered at highest risk of serious complications from Coronavirus. For those at highest risk, they have been advised at times during the pandemic to shield themselves from others- to stay at least 2metres away from anyone at all times (including inside their home) - and to stay at home. Shielding has now ended in England but you can still find the advice here:
There are now treatments which may be suitable for some high risk patients. These patients should have received a letter either from ourselves or from the central system. Please click below for more information:
Treatments for high risk individuals
Covid Vaccine Boosters
After a very successful year of vaccinating, the public halls vaccination centre is now closed to allow the Harpenden surgeries to fully focus on our day to day general practice.
The individual surgeries willl be inviting their patients for 'Autum boosters' during September/October/November. Please see the below for information regarding walk in sites and appointment bookings for boosters if you cannot attend one of our clinics.
Link for booking vaccine: Book vaccine
Link for walk in vaccine clinics: Walk-In Clinics
If you have had COVID you will need to wait 28 days (or 12 weeks if under 18) since the positive PCR test to receive your vaccination.

Mental Health and Victim Support
If you feel Coronavirus has affected your mental health, please see links below for help:
If you need more support, you can self refer to the Wellbeing team: Counselling/support services or 0300 777 0707
For support around a child or young person's wellbeing, learning or development, contact ContactLine 01992 588574, or visit Young Minds
For domestic abuse support: Safe Lives
Harpenden Boots is part of the 'Safe Place Scheme'. Their consultation room provides a safe space for someone to come and make a call to a number of supportive help lines.
Community Support
If you need support while at home, and live in Harpenden, please visit The Harpenden Cares website, Harpenden Cares or contact the Harpenden Cares Contact Centre (10am-2pm Monday to Friday) on 01582 460457
In Harpenden and Wheathampstead, HertsHelp can also provide support: 0300 123 4044 or