The Wellbeing Hub is a collaboration between the three Harpenden GP practices, MIND and The Harpenden Trust. It developed from a successful collaboration with voluntary services and the local GP practices during the covid vaccination programme. What started as a conversation soon became a reality and the hub has now been in place for 2 years. It's primary aim is to support adults with mental health problems at an early stage to build resilience before they get to a position where their health deteriorates and they need secondary care intervention.
Referral is made by a patient's GP practice to the PCN social prescriber who can then refer suitable patients on to the Hub. The Hub has a team of wellbeing friends who will introduce and accompany clients to activities and groups that they are interested in joining but perhaps don't have the confidence to take that first step on their own.
The Wellbeing Hub is currently involved in lots of exciting projects to help our local community - these include Frazzled Cafe, Memory Lane Cafe, Arts on Prescription, Wellbeing walks, Yoga, The Ribbon Cancer Support Group and support for parent carers of children with autism.
Please click on the logo on the left to find out more.